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Ask a career coach

How to Network
Tips from a career coach

Are you an ambitious lady boss who wants to crush it in her career? One of the most undervalued career success tips is networking.  Networking is not only a way to create genuine connections but it's also one of the best ways to find out about job openings that may not get posted online! Plus when you meet a genuine connection at your dream company you already have one foot in the door!  Here are my tips below to network like a boss! 


Here are my career coach tips for how to create and build your network, ie how to network:


  1. Ask open-ended questions. This allows you to learn more about someone right off the bat!  It's a great start in forming a genuine connection.

  2. Be an active listener.  Hear what someone is saying, don't be anxious to jump in and assert yourself.

  3. Find a fun ice breaker question.  Something that gets people talking but is different from the traditional "What do you do?" 

  4. Be on time.  Some events have allotted a set amount of time to network and you don't want to miss it.

  5. Take networking online! Join an online community within your industry to establish virtual connections.

  6. Smile!!! SMILE! Smile!!!

  7. Try sweatworking!  Ask your network to attend a fitness class or recreational event instead of a happy hour.

  8. Practice your elevator pitch.  What three things do you want them to know about you?

  9. Follow up! Don't let your time go to waste.  If you met a great connection, send them a follow-up email.

  10. Set an intention before the event.  What do you want to accomplish?

  11. Be human. Get to know the people and be less concerned about their position.  You never know how your paths will cross.

  12. Ditch the sales pitch at the door.  People do business with real people.  Don't "network" all over them, be real.

  13. Start networking before you need it.  You'll be more relaxed and open to the experience.

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